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         SUSTAINABILITY REPORT  FY 2023                                                                                                                                     COMMUNITIES           THE PLANET         THE WORKPLACE

         Employee Wellbeing

         Employee Support Programmes                                   Employee well-being encompasses a range                Some other employee wellbeing initiatives                  These programmes aim to raise
         Our employee support programmes                               of programs that span across our Business              include:                                                   awareness about the effects of stress on
                                                                                                                                                                                         the body, provide resources, and support
         prioritize the well-being of employees,                       Units, extending support not just to                   •  Annual health check-ups, covering a                     employees in maintaining their mental
         recognizing that their physical, mental, and                  employees but also to their families. Each                comprehensive range of health                           well-being. At HZL, employees have
         emotional health directly impact their                        year begins with the creation of a thorough               assessments                                             access to our Tranquil App which offers a
         performance and productivity. These                           well-being calendar, encompassing a                                                                               wide range of meditation courses that
         programmes aim at fostering employee                          diverse array of wellness aspects to be                •  Reimbursement ofthe cost of well-being                  have been designed to help individuals
                                                                                                                                 packages utilized by employees
         engagement, reducing turnover rates, and                      focused on every month. The success of                                                                            cultivate a sense of inner peace and
         boosting productivity. Various initiatives                    these endeavors is evidenced by the                    •  Company sponsored multi-course meals                    mindfulness.
         have been implemented to ensure the                           remarkable level of employee engagement                   are provided at our facilities, with each            •  To promote employee fitness, we provide
         well-being of employees and aid in                            they have generated, ultimately resulting in              meal being carefully designed to address                sports and fitness facilities across our
         workplace stress management. These                            elevated levels of involvement and                        both diverse dietary preferences and                    business locations. Regular tournaments
         include providing access to comprehensive                     commitment.                                               balanced nutritional needs.                             and events are organized, fostering a
         healthcare facilities, offering wellness                                                                             •  Various stress management programmes                    sense of camaraderie and encouraging
         programmes and resources, and fostering a                     Emotional Well-being: Our commitment to                   are organized across our different                      employees to lead an active lifestyle.
         supportive and inclusive workplace culture.                   emotional well-being is showcased through                 business units.
         By investing in employee well-being,                          our observance of World Mental Health Day
         Vedanta demonstrates that it cares for the                    across the Group. Notably, at HZL, the "Give
         overall happiness and success of its                          Back" initiative empowers employees to
         employees.                                                    express gratitude to those who have made
                                                                       a positive impact on their lives.                                     Arogya World                                          Yoga at Home and
                                                                                                                                             Healthiest Workplace                                  Yoga with Family
                                                                       Social Well-being: Vedanta's dedication to                            Award given to Sterlite
                                                                       societal betterment finds expression in our                           Copper, Aluminium & Power                             International Yoga Day
                                                                       CSR endeavors. HZL's flagship program,                                                                                      was celebrated across all
                                                                       Sakhi, has transformed 209 villages,                                                                                        businesses. We conduct
                                                                       benefiting 27,568 women and 2,118 Self                                                                                      regular yoga sessions at
                                                                       Help Groups.                                                                                                                some of our BUs

                                                                       Spiritual Well-being: Collaborations with
                                                                       Art of Living centers by several Business
                                                                       Units offer employees rejuvenating yoga
                                                                       sessions, nurturing their spiritual well-being.

                                                                       Umang: Introduced in our Jharsuguda
                                                                       business, Umang is a holistic lifestyle and            #RunForZeroHunger: Vedanta is a sponsor of the Delhi Half Marathon, and encourages its
                                                                       well-being program. It caters to emotional             employees to participate. For every kilometre an employee walks during the marathon, Vedanta
                                                                       well-being, physiotherapy, meditation, and             donates one meal to those in need. This initiative answers to the dual objectives
                                                                       women's wellness, facilitated through a                ofpromotingphysical fitness andcreating positive social impact
                                                                       multi-lingual mobile application.

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