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 Largest Contributions and Expenditures  Climate Advocacy   including climate change, meets monthly.
     Vedanta and its subsidiaries actively                  This committee ensures that the BUs and
 Issue or Topic  Corporate  Description of  Total Spend     sustainability teams have a clear
 Position  Position / Engagement  in FY 2023  participate in stakeholder discussions
     with industry bodies and trade                         understanding of the Group's climate
     associations. During these                             change and sustainability targets, and that
 Enhancing domestic  Support  Working with government  INR 6,540,000  they are performing in accordance with
 market share of primary  authorities/policy makers/regulators/  engagements, the Company ensures
 metals made in India to  industry bodies  that perspectives are aligned with   these objectives. This internal
 fortify raw material  Vedanta’s climate change commitments,   communication and coordination
 security and self
 sufficiency on  which are applicable to all our group      guarantee Vedanta’s long-term strategy is
 mineral front.  companies and subsidiaries.                effectively disseminated within the
                                                            organisation, enabling individual BUs to

     Vedanta proudly supports initiatives such              engage with trade associations and
     as the CII Climate Charter and the CEO                 policymakers from an organisational
     Declaration on Climate Change. As                      standpoint.
     members of these platforms, the
     Company strongly advocates for Indian                  Vedanta's Chief Operating Officers (COOs)
     industries to make ambitious climate                   across multiple businesses actively
     commitments, aligned with the country's                participate in the Energy & Carbon
     Net Zero goal. Vedanta recognises the                  Community of Practice (CoP). This
     importance of addressing climate                       exclusive forum focuses on climate change
     change and actively promote                            actions, sharing best practices, discussing
     sustainability within its operations and               emerging climate change risks and
     throughout the industry.                               opportunities, and assessing the
                                                            Company’s alignment with the evolving

     To ensure effective decision-making and                climate change scenario. This platform
     alignment on climate change matters,                   ensures a clear dissemination of Vedanta’s
     Vedanta's Group Executive Committee                    climate change strategy to BUs and serves
     (Group ExCo), which serves as the apex                 as the foundation for their engagement
     body for all organisational decisions,                 with trade associations and policymakers.

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