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 Supply Chain Assessment and                                  Capacity Building Programmes
 business-critical partners who provide   Evaluation criteria for our business partners   We maintain ongoing engagement with our
 Vedanta upholds its brand values of   essential components or services with   include:  supply chain partners through various
 integrity, transparency, and responsibility   limited alternative follow a risk-based   •  Historical financial performance  initiatives such as training programmes. These
 with utmost dedication. To ensure   approach to determine the need for   training sessions are specifically designed to
 consistency, we have streamlined a   additional due diligence or risk audits for   •  Management capability, including the   enhance safety awareness and practices
 methodological approach for assessing   its business partners. This may involve   ability to meet regulatory   among our business partners and
 and monitoring key performers based on   third-party audits against benchmarked   requirements  contractors, including on-the-job safety
 HSE, business ethics and climate change   standards. Business partners are   •  Stability and scale of their business   training and safety town-halls aligned with
 parameters. This process helps to identify   segmented based on the risks they   Management Standard Competency, Training
 and track potential risks within the   pose to our operations, using criteria   operations  and Awareness. By providing these platforms,
 Company’s supply chains.  such as inbound supply chain risk and   •  Quality of the product/service offered  we not only prioritise the safety of all business
 the significance of suppliers and service   •  Ability to adhere to our Supplier Code   partners, but also create opportunities to
 Risk Assessment: Our Technical Standard   providers as per defined definitions. To   of Conduct - including HSE criteria,   explore new markets and services while
 Supplier and Contractor Management   ensure responsible sourcing, especially   familiarising them with the best industrial
 outlines the fundamental components of   in conflict-affected and high-risk areas   MSA (Modern Slavery Act) compliance,   practices. This approach allows us to deeply
 our Supplier Risk Management procedure.   (CAHRA),  robust internal management   environmental compliance  embed sustainability principles, including
 This comprehensive process establishes a   practices are implemented for   •  Adherence to timelines and continuity   Vedanta's decarbonisation aspirations,
 uniform method for handling risks   conducting due diligence, that enables   of delivery  throughout the entire value chain.
 associated with suppliers and their   Vedanta to identify, assess, and
 performance throughout the entire   effectively manage potential risks   •  Collaborating with new-age innovative
 organization.  associated with its supply chains.  start-ups  CAPACITY BUILDING PROGRAMS
 •  Capacity building around best
 Desktop assessment: The preliminary   In addition, the Company has   industrial practices  Total number of suppliers in capacity
 assessment of a supplier involves a   implemented a process to identify and   building programs
 thorough analysis conducted through   report potential red flags and the   492
 desktop review. This helps us to recognize   outcomes of risk assessments to senior
 sustainability matters associated with a   management. This enables Vedanta to   FY 2023
 supplier. These matters could be of   proactively identify and address risks
 present significance and interest to   within its supply chains. In cases where   % of significant suppliers in capacity
 essential external stakeholders like   red flags are detected, enhanced due   building programs
 regulators, NGOs and wider industry/sector   diligence measures are undertaken to
 developments.  thoroughly investigate the presence of           44%

 risks, which may include serious human                          FY 2023
 On-site Assessment: Vedanta conducts   rights abuses, risks related to security
 annual third-party on-site assessment for   forces, support to non-state armed
 its significant suppliers to understand   groups, money laundering, tax evasion,
 whether the suppliers are compliant with   bribery, and fraudulent
 social and environmental regulations   misrepresentation of material origins.
 applicable in their respective regions

 Vedanta prioritises strategic or

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