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         SUSTAINABILITY REPORT  FY 2023                                                                                                                                     COMMUNITIES           THE PLANET         THE WORKPLACE

                                                                                                                                     Decarbonization of alumina refinery and transitioning to green alumina manufacture
         Roadmap to Green Alumina
         GHG Intensity reduction curve
                                                                12.5%                                                   tCO e/T
                                                                                                                        By FY30
                                                                                                                                     To achieve our goal of reducing overall             In FY 2022-23, significant progress
                                         0.6%                                                                           Alumina      GHG emissions we are first transitioning            was achieved towards improving
                                                                                                                                     our most emission-intensive production              energy efficiency and sustainability.
                                                                                           Natural Gas in                            lines to greener energy sources. Our                More than 3,200 LED lights were
                                                                                           Calciner & Boilers
                                                                          Biomass Cofiring   •  100% replacement                     alumina refinery at Lanjigarh is making             installed during the year, accompanied
                                                                          in Boilers        of FO in Cal.                            this shift along with building capabilities         by the implementation of more than 5
                                                  10MW Hybrid Power       •  3.5% by FY24  •  30% Cofiring in                        for the production of Green Alumina.                Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs), and
                                                  Plant                   •  20% by FY30    Boilers                                                                                      the adoption of Advanced Process
                 3.1%                             •  55% Utilization factor  •  0.12 tCO e/T  •  0.2 tCO e/T                         Making this shift involves a                        Control (APC) systems in key units.
                                                  •  Partnered with                                                                  comprehensive approach covering CO                  Additionally, measures like increased
                                                   Sterlite Grid                                                                     emissions reduction, transitioning to   2           net liquor productivity, implementation
                         Energy Conservation      •  0.01 tCO e/T                                                                    more sustainable practices and also                 of an Acid Wash system, reduction in
                         Projects                                                                                                    annually decreasing specific energy                 coal consumption, biomass firing in
           GHG           •  Plant energy reduction
         Intensity       •  1% every year                                                                                            consumption by 1%.  At the operational              boilers, green power import, and a
           0.96                                                                                                                      level, this means reducing specific steam           decrease in specific energy
         tCO e/T         •  0.03 tCO e/T
             2                    2                                                                                                  and fuel oil consumption, specific                  consumption to 7.16 GJ/T were also
                                                                                                                                     electrical energy reduction, and specific           accomplished, demonstrating a
                                                                                                                                     greenhouse gas emissions reduction.                 strong frontline commitment to
                                                                                                                                     This is being done by optimizing                    energy efficiency and environmental
         Our copper business too has                                                                                                 processes, implementing                             sustainability.
         been actively exploring avenues                                                                                             energy-efficient technologies, and
                                                                                                                                     exploring alternative energy sources.
         to produce low carbon copper.                                                                                               The cumulative impact of all these
         During FY 2022, we conducted a                 Product Green                       Total Produced (MT) in FY23              measures is expected to significantly
         successful pilot programme,                    Copper from                         2,780                                    bring down the environmental footprint of
         producing 3,000 MT of copper                                                                                                the alumina refinery.
         products from scrap and                        Sterlite Copper,                    (4.15% of total production)
         recycled copper. Encouraged by                 Fujairah                                                                     Additionally, efforts are focused on
         these results, we have ambitious                                                                                            improving the station heat rate in the
                                                                                                                                     Combined Gas and Power Plants (CGPP)
         plans to substantially scale up                                                                                             associated with the refinery. By
         production of this low-carbon                                                                                               upgrading heat recovery systems,
         product line in the future.                                                                                                 optimizing combustion processes, and
                                                                                                                                     enhancing overall plant efficiency, the
                                                                                                                                     goal is to maximize energy generation
                                                                                                                                     while minimizing emissions and waste.
                                                                                                                                     Further, auxiliary consumption in CGPP is
                                                                                                                                     also targeted for reduction.

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