Page 32 - TRIF Annual Report 2021
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By gaining economic strength, one’s
           ability to trigger demand on other basic      Foundation for Development of
           services such as education, sanitation,       Rural  Value Chains (FDRVC)
           and water among others can also be
           enhanced. In our livelihood                   Set up in 2018, Foundation for Development of Rural
           engagement, we focus on                       Value Chains (FDRVC) is a joint initiative of Government
           demonstrating catalytic action on             of India and Tata Trusts incubated by Transforming
           localized livelihood opportunities in our     Rural India Foundation (TRIF). FDRVC works with select
           action pilot sites. In our endeavour, we      State Rural Livelihood Missions and provides
           work closely with the government              professional expertise for their Producer Enterprises.
           systems and community institutions to         FDRVC’s support spans across identifying rural value
           enhance access to services for farm,          chain opportunities, enabling establishment of Producer
           non-farm livelihoods and social               Enterprises (PEs) and hand holding them through their
           security schemes.                             businesses. FDRVC has been working with State Rural
                                                         Livelihood Missions (SRLMs) of Madhya Pradesh,                              Sukarmani Devi

           In the year 2020-2021, our livelihood         Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan and
           programs prioritized the needs of the         Mizoram, with a reach of over 3000 villages and                             Vegetable seedling nursery entrepreneur,
           Small and Marginal farming                    promoting over 20 commodities.                                              Block- Bedo, District- Ranchi
           communities and the Youth.

                                                                                                                                                                            I was identified by the village organization and trained by
                                                                                                                                                                            TRIF in Agri-technology and entrepreneurship. As a part
                                                                                                                                     I am an Agri-entrepreneur              of the program, I was given an affordable nursery of the
             Focus on Small and Marginal Farming Communities                                                                         running a nursery. I                   size 30 X 40 ft. This gave me an opportunity to start my
                                                                                                                                     provide the farmers with               entrepreneurial journey in the nursery business. The
           TRIF works with the small and marginal         participate as Value-Chain Actors (VCAs) to                                healthy & disease-free                 shopkeepers in the nearby villages sell specific brands of
                                                                                                                                                                            seeds to farmers that can fetch the shopkeepers a high
           farming communities in the intensive blocks    kick start the Agriculture Production Clusters                             seedlings in any                       margin of profit irrespective of the benefit to farmers. My
           and provides technical expertise for           creation. TRIF has been using this approach                                                                       clients are all small and marginal famers with a low risk
           high-value cropping solutions, adoption of     in all its intensive block pilots in Jharkhand                             combination or choice they             appetite. They often do not want to buy a full packet of
           contemporary and scientific practices, and      and Madhya Pradesh.                                                        prefer… I feel very
           plug-in technology gaps through market                                                                                    fortunate to get this                  seeds and sometimes also want to sow different
 Fostering ecosystem enhancement   to remunerate adequately or provide them   solutions. TRIF has been engaged in   TRIF has developed a Centre of Agriculture              vegetables in their small plot of land. I provide them
 via localized opportunities and   life-advancement opportunities. Their   promoting “Agriculture Production Clusters”   Excellence in Ranchi, Jharkhand to   opportunity to become an   healthy & disease-free seedlings in any combination or
                                                                                                                                                                            choice they prefer.
 struggles don’t end there. As the rural
 adoption of innovative methods to   population, especially the youth, moves to   (APC) as a deployable technology tool. This   demonstrate locally relevant   entrepreneur and to
 create access to services and   the cities, they are faced with a multitude of   tool helps in identifying optimal crop-mix   climate-resilient agriculture practices –   motivate and be a role   Also, most of the high value vegetables have to be sown
           options viable for the local agro-ecological
                                                          aimed at both “subsistence farmers” and
 markets.  challenges ranging from poor infrastructure   construct, risk-return possibilities and   “commercial farmers”. Modular version of   model for many other         in the nursery and then transplanted, and have a
 facilities, unhygienic living conditions,   seasonal market demand.   such a CoE is being established in other                      women in my village.                   germination period of 22 to 28 days. My nursery provides
 With cities contributing to nearly two-thirds   unemployment, and exploitation among   intervention geographies in form of technical                                       this service of 22 to 28 days of continued monitoring and
 of the economic output of the country, every   others.  As part of the offering, processes have been   demonstration centres.                                               maintenance during which the farmers can supplement
 year a large number of Indians migrate   created that encourage local youth to                                                                                             their incomes with another activity. During the year
 from the rural areas to cities in search of   At TRIF, we believe that creation of                                                                                         2020-2021, I had 55 regular farmer clients, and sold
 better livelihood opportunities. Agriculture   ‘local’ livelihood and economic                                                                                             89,000 saplings over four cycles and earned a revenue of
 is the primary source of income for 70% of   opportunities has the ability to foster                                                                                       Rs. 50,000 and a profit of Rs. 19,000.
 the rural households. However, with 82% of
 the farmers falling under the category of   improvement in quality of                                                                                                      Program: Ikea Market Solutions
 small and marginal farmers, the sector fails   life-experience in the villages.                                                                                            Donor: Ikea Foundation

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