Page 22 - Environmental Report for EXL Services_Web Only
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Helping Clients
Our Presence Highlights World is Transition to There is Strategic Accomplishing Transitioning Climate Accelerating Water Use & Cultivating use Structured GRI GHG List of
Across and Progress Influencing Climate- aligned Always a through to Climate Positive Waste Culture of Assurance 22
the Globe on Goals Our Journey World Better Way Framework Actions Aligned Business Commitments Change Management Shared Value Environmental Data Index Statement Abbreviations
for Risk Aversion
Transitioning to Climate Aligned Business
We at EXL believe that the environment in stewardship into business as a critical step
which we operate is inextricably related to toward decarbonization. The transition to a
sustainability. Therefore, we have low-carbon business is witnessed through
strengthened our commitment to the proactive disclosure of our emission
environment with the objective of meeting performance in public forums such as CDP
global climate goals. Our strategy is to grow Climate Change, Eco Vadis, etc.
responsibly to a better, greener future as we
commit to drastically cutting down carbon
emissions in our operations, in addition to
Jai Agnani developing a new low-carbon enterprise. We
Global Head, Corporate Real Estate have underpinned benchmarks to measure
and Facilities & Logistics
our environmental sustainability performance Our strategy is to grow responsibly
and challenge our capabilities to make a to a better, greener future as we
positive influence for the environment. In
pursuit of creating a positive impact, we have commit to drastically cutting down
adopted a target to become net-zero carbon emissions in our operations,
emissions business by 2045 in line with a in addition to developing a new
1.5-degree pathway. supported by the low-carbon enterprise.
adoption of renewable power mix for power
consumption across all our business
operations. EXL incorporated environmental