Page 21 - Catalysing Chemicals WIP (Version 2.0) FINAL ARTWORK.cdr
P. 21
Chemistry – Taking the
Next Leap Together
Chemicals are the bedrock of a
manufacturing economy, experiencing
increasing demand as manufacturing
increases. Around 40% of the world’s
manufacturing activity is driven by, or 40%
is heavily dependent on, the chemical
industry. Realizing their responsibility,
well before the others, chemical
companies across the globe have
been early adopters of eco-friendly
processing, investing in green
technologies and balancing ecology of the world’s manufacturing
with economy. activity is driven by, or is
heavily dependent on, the
These companies are not only using chemical industry.
chemicals to reduce their own
footprint, but also creating new
materials for other industries to help
them reduce their carbon footprint. Chemistry is
Infact they are promoting Green
Chemistry, also called sustainable Everywhere!
chemistry, focused on designing
products and processes that minimize Zero Liquid Discharge and waste
the use and generation of hazardous management are a major area of
substances. Green Chemistry concern that can be addressed by
Engineers design chemical products chemistry. Handling of wastes such
to preserve the efficacy of the function as segregation, conversion to energy/
while reducing toxicity, thus ensuring fuel, recycling for adoption in other
that environmental factors are not product generation can be made
compromised. Innovation through Green possible with chemistry.
Chemistry and Engineering is bound to
enable robust, scalable and safe processes. In India too, Chemical companies
have been adding huge value to almost
Manufacturing companies use every sector – from agriculture
chemicals to improve the functionality to automotive, healthcare,
of products, while reducing their infrastructure, construction, food
environmental load. Much of the processing, pharmaceuticals, defence,
advanced technologies and FMCG, power, textiles, appliances,
innovations taking place today have electronics, oil & gas - some of
chemistry at their root. They help these being focus sectors in the
reduce costs for end-market producers Government’s Make in India initiative.
by reducing wastage and maintenance As demand increases, chemicals can
costs and make products smarter, help build capacities for not only
most sustainable. They form critical reducing our import bills, but also
ingredients in pharmaceuticals, expanding our export basket.
weedicides etc. Pure Alkalis drive
safety and sustainability in the user
industry; bromine is an essential Given its innumerable
ingredient in electronics, sodium
bi carbonate is a key ingredient in touch points, chemical
cleaning NOx emissions; basic
chemicals go into the making of sector is the Bellwether
manmade fibers and fertilizers; fine of an economy’s
chemicals are the foundation of
cosmetics, food flavors, food performance!
preservatives. Chemicals have
innumerable positive applications.
Chemistry Everywhere 17
In Pursuit of Sustainable Development