Page 20 - Catalysing Chemicals WIP (Version 2.0) FINAL ARTWORK.cdr
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These are ambitious targets From contributing to India’s food
requiring innovative solutions and a security goals through innovative
collaborative approach. Attaining packaging to reducing the
rapid, equitable and sustainable country’s petroleum bill to
growth will mean stretching the enhancing the potency of solar
finite resources to their limit. Rising panels, to multiplying the
aspirations of the new generation effectiveness of medicines
Indians can be met only by adopting chemistry offers a responsible
pioneering approaches and solution for every challenge that
implementing breakthrough India is trying to address. Today,
solutions. Chemical companies are pushing
their boundaries, undertaking
Chemistry has some answers deep research, partnering user
industry, introducing new material
One catalyst of sustainable, and reaching out to the society in
equitable development is chemistry. pursuit of responsible and
Contrary to popular perception, sustainable development. India
chemistry has immense potential to has the advantage of being in a
become a catalyst for double digit position, where the country can
growth in the manufacturing sector, leapfrog to best technology from a
while making a positive impact on sustainability standpoint.
environment and helping achieve
Sustainable Development Goals in
a responsible manner. Not only is India has committed
chemistry inherent in human beings,
it also makes up everyday essentials to reducing its
such as medicines, personal care emissions intensity
products, electricity and a vast array
of commodities. While touching per unit of GDP by
various aspects of human life every
day, chemistry uniquely has the 33% ~ 35% by 2030
power to generate benefits for
humans, sustainability and from the 2005 levels.
economic interests.
Photo Credit : LANXESS