Page 32 - Balmer Lawrie Sustainability Report 2022_Single Pages
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Human Rights
We are committed to upholding and striving to further the
cause of human rights in all aspects of our business and
ensure that neither the Company nor any of its business
partners indulge in any human rights violation or are
complicit in any human rights abuse in any manner. The
various actions taken and the status are as under:
• We have constituted Internal Committees (as per the
Sexual Harassment of Women at Work Place Risk Management
(Prevention, Prohibitions and Redressal Act, 2013) at
the Corporate Office and the Regional offices, which We recognize that risk is inherent to our business and that
can be approached by women employees in case of effective risk management is critical for the protection and
any harassment. The Internal Committees hold creation of value for stakeholders. We believe that
quarterly review meetings. effective risk management is fundamental to good
corporate governance. Being a diversified conglomerate
• We have constituted committees to ensure that the Balmer Lawrie is exposed to various kinds of risks
employees can work in a positive atmosphere free including strategic, operational, HR, financial,
from physical or psychological threats, abuse or sexual technological changes, climate change and compliance.
harassment. The committees meet periodically to
identify and address issues, if any, that are of concern. Risk Management Framework
• As a matter of principle, we do not deal with any party The Company has a comprehensive Enterprise Risk
with a history of human rights abuse. Management Policy. We have a robust Risk Management
framework to identify and evaluate and mitigate business
• We work towards the development of society at large risks. The framework of the Risk Management consists of
and provide financial support for community levels including the Board of Directors, Audit Committee,
development projects. These include programs aimed Risk Management Committee, Chief Risk Officer, Risk
at ameliorating the problems of the socially and Owners, SBU/Function Nodal Officer, Mitigation Plan
economically downtrodden and the weaker sections of Owners/Functional Champions.
society and improving their social and economic
status. One of the key functions of the Board is to ensure integrity
of the systems of control, in particular risk management
• All legal and statutory obligations towards employees, including framing, implementing and monitoring the risk
shareholders, clients, customers, associates and the management plan for the Company. A risk management
society at large are complied with. Periodic audits are plan has been developed for the Company. The Company
undertaken and compliance reports are submitted to has a risk management Committee in place with defined
the Board of the Company. Action Taken Reports role and responsibility. The Risk Management Committee
(ATRs) against Non-Compliance Reports (NCRs) are has, inter-alia, power to seek information from any employee
also reported to and reviewed by the Board. or obtain outside legal or other professional advice.
32 Sustainability Report 2021-22