Page 63 - Apraava Energy Report_01-73
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Apraava Sustainability Report 2020-2021  63

            Health of our Atmosphere

            Maintaining better                                        Figure 17: Technology used for reducing air emissions

            ambient air quality in                                    Emission Parameters     Available Emission Control Equipment

            the vicinity of                                           Particulate Matter (PM)   Combination of Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP)
                                                                                              and fabric filter (hybrid design)

            Apraava Energy’s                                          NO                      Combination of low NO  burner and separated
            operational assets is                                                             over fire air damper (SOFA)
            extremely important                                       SO                      Wet type Flue Gas Desulfurisation (FGD)
            for generating power                                      During FY 2020-21, all major pollutants were measured in both

            responsibly.                                              absolute and specific terms, as follows:

            Various measures have been implemented                    Figure 18: Apraava’s air emission level over last three years
            over the years to improve environmental
            performance at JPL and continuous efforts                 Air emission summary – JPL
            are being made through adoption of                        Particulars          Unit       FY 2018-19   FY 2019-20  FY 2020-21
            cleaner technologies to reduce emissions.
            Cleaner technologies used for specific                     PM                   Tonnes     905         808       496
            emission reduction are depicted in
            Figure 17.                                                SO 2                 Tonnes     11,845      3,386     3,049
                                                                      NO                   Tonnes     5,354       5,325     4,524
                                                                      Specific PM Emission   kg/MWh    0.14        0.15      0.11
                                                                      Specific SO  Emission   kg/MWh   1.84        0.62      0.67
                                                                      Specific NO  Emission   kg/MWh   0.83        0.97      1.00
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