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Apraava Sustainability Report 2020-2021 61
Carbon Credits
Apraava Energy has embarked on a mission to generate projects. Apraava Energy’s carbon offset is one of the most
green electricity while reducing its current emission footprint. active and aggressive portfolios in the world. Apraava
Apraava Energy's entire renewable energy fleet produces Energy has registered all of its wind and solar assets in the
clean electricity in a sustainable manner while issuing carbon world's most well-known carbon offset schemes, namely the
offsets in accordance with international modalities and UNFCCC's CDM and the Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS) by
procedures. These carbon offsets are tradable in domestic Verra. Apraava Energy’s carbon credit issuance for the last
and international markets, and they help fund corresponding three years is depicted in Figure 15.
Figure 15: Apraava’s carbon credit issuance over the last three years
Issuance of Carbon Offsets (million tonnes) Issuance of Carbon Offsets by
2.50 Apraava Energy (million tonnes)
2.00 1.04
1.50 0.95 3.00
0.91 2.40
1.00 0.43 0.03 2.50
0.06 0.08 0.11 2.00
- - - - - - 1.50
- 0.99
Apraava Energy Apraava Apraava Apraava Divine Solren 1.00
Private Renewable Wind Energy Wind Private
Limited Energy (Khandke) Energy Limited 0.50
Private Limited Private (Theni-Project II)
Limited Private Limited -
FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
In FY 2020-21, Apraava Energy has registered its 250.8 MW offsets in a year. Further, Apraava Energy has acquired
Sidhpur wind project in Verra's VCS scheme. Apraava Energy two solar projects - Divine Solren Private Limited (50 MW)
won this 250.8 MW greenfield wind project in Solar Energy and Cleansolar Renewable Energy Private Limited (30
Corporation of India limited (SECI) reverse auction and MW) located in Telangana, India. These projects are also
implementation of the project is ongoing. Post commissioning, already registered in carbon offset schemes and generate
this project alone can generate approximately 759,000 carbon more than 128,000 carbon offsets in a year.
Apraava Energy has registered its 250.8 MW Sidhpur wind project
in Verra's VCS scheme. Apraava Energy won this 250.8 MW
greenfield wind project in SECI reverse auction and implementation
of the project is ongoing.