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Apraava Sustainability Report 2020-2021 39
From Apraava Energy’s perspective, the market landscape is businesses in the medium to longer term which we will pursue
evolving rapidly with tariffs for renewable energy projects on a selective basis in order to deliver value to all
reaching historic lows amid intense competition from stakeholders while supporting the sustainability of the
participants belonging to both public and private sectors and business value chain.
lower funding costs. There are certain challenges during the
implementation and operations phase of Renewable Energy Robust selection criteria, judicious capacity risk assessment
(RE) projects that are being actively addressed with support and full compliance with internal code & conduct of
from central and state government agencies. From the standards makes Apraava Energy’s approach to conventional
medium and long-term perspective, Apraava Energy remains business distinctive.
firmly committed to the market and its strategy of focusing
on decarbonisation and renewable energy projects. Our Apraava Energy has continued to maintain its existing
growth plan envisages significant capacity through the transmission line asset to the highest standards and achieved
organic route by investing in standalone and hybrid projects close to 100% availability during FY 2020-21 despite various
involving wind, solar and energy storage. challenges emanating from the COVID- 19 pandemic. At the
same time, Apraava Energy has also been working to
In line with its shareholders’ ideology of investing only in low complete due diligence and conditions precedent for
carbon businesses, Apraava Energy will focus on investment acquisition of an inter-state transmission project in the
opportunities in transmission and other customer-facing north-eastern part of the country. Further, significant
businesses, insofar as the conventional business space is progress has also been made for participation in the next
concerned. At Apraava Energy, we strongly believe that in round of bidding for greenfield projects.
the short to medium term, large investments will be needed
in building and beefing up inter-state and intra-state One of the biggest challenges experienced due to the
transmission networks to support the projected exponential pandemic was the restriction imposed on travel and
growth in renewable energy generation across the country. movement of resources. Most site activities had to be
Apraava Energy will pursue upcoming opportunities in the managed remotely. However, Apraava Energy, with the help
transmission sector in alignment with its organisational of its upgraded IT infrastructure and dedicated workforce has
business growth plan to augment RE growth in the country. been able to manage these challenges effectively.
We also foresee investment opportunities in customer-facing
Apraava Energy has continued to maintain its existing
transmission line asset to the highest standards and achieved
close to 100% availability during FY 2020-21 despite various
challenges emanating from the COVID- 19 pandemic.