Page 36 - Apraava Energy Report_01-73
P. 36

36     Energy in action

            Advantages of Apraava Energy’s ERM                              heads update the risk register on a regular basis to ensure
            framework                                                       that the information is up to date. Management is briefed on
                                                                            any potential risks ahead of time so that a thorough risk
            •  Allows for a clear and concise view of risks                 control plan can be implemented. The four-tier structure of
                                                                            Apraava Energy’s risk management framework is depicted in
            •  Protects resources that matter the most
                                                                            Figure 6.
            •  Ingrains risk management in the Company’s culture
                                                                            Three-level Independent Risk Assessment Process
            Financial, operational, and market risks are the three types of   •  Corporate level - To identify key risks faced by the
            potential risks. These risks are taken into account when          organisation
            developing annual business plans. Business heads conduct
            periodic risk identification assessments with guidance from      •  Business level - To identify risks in each business
            the Risk Management (RM) team, which meets quarterly, and       •  Asset/ Department Level - To identify risk in each
            based on inputs from asset/department heads. Business             asset/department

                                                    Figure 6: Four-tier risk management structure

                                  Asset/                                           Risk                    Risk
                               Department                Business             Management             Management
                                   Heads                                           Team                   (RMC)

            These risks are taken into account when developing annual

            business plans. Business heads conduct periodic risk identification

            assessments with guidance from the Risk Management (RM) team,

            which meets quarterly, and based on inputs from

            asset/department heads.
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