Page 111 - Apraava Energy Report_01-73
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Apraava Sustainability Report 2020-2021  111

             Water security through            Women empowerment at           Water initiatives at Jath      School infrastructure
             community-led water               Chandgarh, Jhajjar,            Advancement of rural life      development at Seoni
             resource development at           Gujarat, Rajasthan and         through strengthening of       Malwa
             Khandke                           Mumbai                         water resources and            Improving school
             Improving local water             Exclusive women-centric        improvement of                 infrastructure and
             security of villages              projects with focus on         agriculture                    facilities across eight
             through repair and                alternative livelihood in                                     schools in five villages
             construction of water             Chandgarh,                                                    included provision of
             harvesting structures such        entrepreneurship               280                            clean drinking water
             as check dams, sunken             development through                                           facilities, upgrading
             ponds, carrying out               self-help groups in                                           washroom facilities, wash
             de-silting activities, etc.       Jhajjar; building master       beneficiaries                   stations, instaling
                                               trainers and off season                                       benches and developing
                                               solar park in Gujarat and
             5,756                             Rajasthan; and education
                                               and vocational skills in
             beneficiaries                      Mumbai                         Crop residue management        413
                                                                              Project Phase III
                                               5,636                          Project scaled up to 27        beneficiaries

                                                                              villages in four districts of
                                               beneficiaries                   Haryana and extended
                                                                              till March 2023. 38,000
                                                                              acres of farmland to be        Integrated Village
                                               Solar interventions at Hara,   stubble burning free           development project at
                                               Saundatti and Veltoor                                         Sakri

                                               Solar electrification of        6,265                          Water harvesting,
                                               households and                                                conservation and
                                               community spaces in Hara,      beneficiaries                   improving drinking water
                                               Saundatti and Veltoor;                                        infrastructure along with
                                               setting up of digital                                         empowering women
                                               classroom and primary                                         through self-help groups
                                               healthcare centers;                                           and farm-based
                                               provision of solar             Mobile Medical Vans            livelihood opportunities
                                               equipment to                   across Jhajjar and Andhra      across five villages
                                               entrepreneurs for small        Lake
                                               businesses                     Running preventive             4,000
                                               23,000                         medical services across 37     beneficiaries

                                                                              catchment villages

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