Page 108 - Apraava Energy Report_01-73
P. 108

108    Energy in action

            Need                 Bala Vikasa Social         -  Prominently across locations, water contamination, drinking water quality
            assessment in        Service Society (Bala        and scarcity have been a prominent issue.
            Veltoor, DSPL        Vikasa) conducted a        -  Around DSPL site, which is in northern Telangana, there have been concerns
            and CREPL            need assessment              about a bidi rolling vocation adopted by thousands of women working from
            catchments           study in October             home and there is a need to educate them and offer alternative livelihood
                                 2020 covering                means.
                                 Veltoor, DSPL and
                                 CREPL catchment            -  Villages on the approach road from NH 144 to DSPL site have open
                                 communities.                 defecation issues which need to be addressed by a comprehensive initiative
                                                              in line with a government scheme.

                                                            -  Overall literacy rate has been low in catchment communities compared with
                                                              the state average.

            Andhra Lake          Yuva Mitra carried out     -  Lack of quality primary healthcare facilities.
            catchment            research to identify the   -  Water and sanitation challenges and opportunities.
            need                 villages' major
            assessment           socio-economic             -  Poor school and Anganwadi infrastructure and high dropout rate, especially
            study                development                  among girls.
            covering             challenges and,            -  Inactive SHGs and other women-led organisations/groups.
            Khed and             submitted a report in
            Maval blocks         October 2020. The
                                 study included 22
                                 villages in Pune
                                 district's Maval and
                                 Khed blocks.

            Theni                Kalanjiam Dhan             -  Total catchment area population is 58,800.
            community            Foundation carried out     -  People are mostly dependent on farming, wage work, army jobs and, foreign
            need                 community need               migration for jobs.
            assessment           assessment study in
            study by             November 2020. Theni       -  99% of the village reported decrease in income followed by increased
            Kalanjiam            wind farms catchment         workload in households due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
            Foundation           area has 13 villages       -  There was a need for development of SHGs and promotion of vocational
                                 which fall in Theni,         training centre/s for creating employment opportunities in the villages for
                                 Chinamannur and              additional and supplementary income for the families.
                                 Andipatti block in
                                 Theni district.
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