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 Creating Leaders  Korba have been transformed into   Community Infrastructure

 To initiate and sustain the social and   MHM-friendly environment through such
 behavioural change across communities, it   training. The first ever MHM session for
 was important to engage powerful local   specially-abled students has also been   Reviving Indigenous Handicrafts - Dhokra Craft and Saura Art
 influencers so that a chain of learning and   organized at Korba’s only government
 sensitization could be built. More than 600   school for the differently abled.  of employment, enabling them to earn a
 SHG women and frontline health workers                       livelihood in their villages. In FY23, Dhokra
 (including anganwadi and ASHA workers),   Creating MHM infrastructure  and Saura artists achieved INR 0.7 million
 adolescent girls and boys were trained as   BALCO has established four Swastha   in sales, resulting in an average 15%
 ‘Master Trainers’ on Menstrual Health   Suvidha Kendra’s (SSK centres) as a   growth in household income. Vedanta also
 Management (MHM). Involving “Men in   one-stop solution point for MHM. It is   Vedanta Lanjigarh initiated a mission to revive   launched an online art gallery to increase
    two traditional art forms, Dhokra metalwork and
 Menstruation” by training adolescent boys   driven by adolescent leaders and   Saura tribal paintings, which carry immense   market reach and visibility.
 and youth from the community was a   functions as a platform for counselling   cultural significance in India's history. In
 calculated step to create inclusive buy-in and   and capacity building where girls and   Lanjigarh's Kankeri village, artisans struggled to   Vedanta's efforts in reviving indigenous
 to present MHM as a ‘community’ health and   women come to learn and further   sustain their craft, pushing many to abandon   handicrafts, Dhokra craft, and Saura art,
 well-being issue, thereby creating empathy   propagate the knowledge that they gain   their ancestral skills for migrant labor. Similarly,   not only preserved these traditions but
 with the woman’s situation.  The community   on menstruation.  the future of Saura art in Odisha was uncertain.   also economically empowered the artists.
 now takes the lead by organizing   Vedanta recognized the need to preserve these   Through training, marketing support, and
 MHM-friendly gram sabhas, that carry forward   The impact created by the project has   art forms and took proactive steps.  financial assistance, the project
                                                              transformed the lives of artists in Kankeri
 the work of spreading awareness and building   been life-changing, and the community   village and beyond, attracting attention
 support, and is a testimony to the positive   has driven through Nayi Kiran with great   To support the artisans, Vedanta provided   from local authorities, leading to essential
 change that has been achieved.   momentum as it answers a heartfelt   training in contemporary designs using modern   infrastructure development and inclusion
 need. So far, more than 48,000   techniques, enhancing their ability to create   of social schemes.
 Transitioning to Hygienic Menstrual Health   community members have been   marketable products. The company facilitated
 Practices  sensitized on MHM; more than 600+   their participation in events, exhibitions, and art

 The project has successfully created   community leaders  shows, promoting and selling their work at
 awareness about menstrual hygiene across a   better prices. Financial assistance and financial
 wide cross section of young girls and women,   literacy training empowered the artists to
 introducing them to menstrual health   manage their earnings effectively.
 products and aids. As a cost-effective and
 easy option, we have initiated the ‘Stitch My   The impact of the Dhokra Art Revival project
    has been substantial. A community of poor
 Own Pad Campaign’ under this project   migrant laborers in a remote Kalahandi jungle
 wherein 30 SHG women and adolescent girls   village transformed into thriving, prosperous
 have been taught methods of making   artists. Household incomes increased by over
 reusable cloth pads. This has also opened up   50% since the project's inception. Recognizing
 business opportunities for the SHG women.  its success, local authorities extended
    government social schemes to the village,
 As a part of the school awareness sessions,   including access to electricity and LPG
 adolescent girls have been sensitized about   connections, and improved essential
 menarche and ways to manage it better. More   infrastructure.
 than 50% of the block-level government
 secondary and higher secondary schools of   Expanding the project to other villages, Vedanta
    aims to prevent artists from migrating in search      Dhokra art - Tribal couple
                                                          A bronze sculpture depicting a tribal couple

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