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         SUSTAINABILITY REPORT  FY 2023                                                                                                                                     COMMUNITIES           THE PLANET         THE WORKPLACE

                     Sports and Culture                                                                                               Microenterprises

             Promoting Archery for Student Development in Lanjigarh                                                            Economic Prosperity through Microenterprises

             Sports play a vital role in the growth and           c) Equipment and Uniform Support                             The transformational narrative of economic          Operating under the nurturing umbrella of
             development of students, contributing to               Vedanta has facilitated the progress of                    empowerment has unfolded with the launch            the 'Heart with Fingers' (HWF), known as WIP,
             their mental well-being and physical                    30 archery students by providing them                     of DAICHI brand, spearheaded by Ms. Priya           the initiative witnessed a remarkable surge.
             fitness. Vedanta recognises the                                                                                   Agarwal, the Chairperson of HZL as a                The Dairy Processing Unit exemplified this
             importance of sports and has been                       with essential equipment and uniform                      commitment to fostering economic growth             growth, recording a staggering 6-fold
             actively supporting archery in Lanjigarh  to            kits. This support ensures that they have                 and innovation.                                     increase in milk intake within a mere 8
             enhance the performance of students in                  access to the necessary resources for                                                                         months, surging to 600 liters per day. The
             this discipline. Archery is deeply rooted in            their training and participation in                       The venture commenced with the                      cumulative yearly results were equally
             tribal culture and acts as a motivator for              competitions.                                             establishment of the Sakhi Pickle Unit at           impressive as 1,42,941+ liters of milk were
             youths to engage in the training                                                                                  Rudrapur and the Sakhi Namkeen Unit at              procured, yielding 35,495 liters of butter milk
             programme. As a part of this initiative,                                                                          Zawar. This visionary move led to the               and 489 liters of ghee annually.
             Vedanta provides extensive assistance to                                                                          creation of 12 exciting snack variants and 5
             talented students, offering equipment,                                                                            diverse pickle options. These culinary              The DAICHI initiative also extended
             uniform kits, and certified trainers to                                                                           offerings not only delighted palates but also       partnerships, contributing to INR
             develop their skills so that these students                                                                       symbolized a commitment to diversity and            15,100,000 in convergence through
             can excel in archery.                                                                                             culinary excellence.                                collaborations with PNB Housing, NABARD,
                                                                                                                                                                                   and Capri Global. The DAICHI story serves

             These efforts have yielded significant                                                                            Expanding its reach beyond traditional              as a beacon of hope, illustrating how
             results. The project's achievements                                                                               markets, DAICHI introduced a novel                  economic prosperity is not just a concept,
             include:                                                                                                          'Store-in-Store' concept at Udaipur's               but a tangible reality. Rooted in commitment,
                                                                                                                               Celebration & Paras Mall. showcasing                innovation, and community, the journey
             a) National Level Performances                                                                                    DAICHI products in a setting that seamlessly        embodies the potential of microenterprises
                                                                                                                               blends tradition with modernity. The success        to elevate lives and reshape destinies.
               Of the 100 students trained, 18                                                                                 of this concept has led to the establishment
               students from Lanjigarh have                                                                                    of 10 additional 'Store-in-Store' outlets and
               successfully qualified and participated                                                                         Sakhi Haat, fusing innovation with                  290
               in various archery championships at the                                                                         accessibility.                                      Women Engaged
               national level.
               This accomplishment showcases their                                                                             A pivotal facet of DAICHI's journey is the          12
               dedication and the effectiveness of the                                                                         'Business Sakhi' initiative, where economic
               training provided.                                                                                              landscapes transformed as sales reached             Microenterprises
                                                                                                                               an impressive INR 4,373,000 in FY 23. This
             b) State Level Competitions                                                                                       milestone, however, represents more than
                                                                                                                               just numbers – it reflects the collective           INR 33.1 million
               The supported students have excelled                                                                            dedication of Sakhis, whose efforts                 Business Turnover
               in state-level competitions, securing a                                                                         contributed to a total income of INR
               remarkable 85 medals; 26 gold, 25                                                                               3,337,000. With three distinct brands –
               silver, and 42 bronze, highlighting their                                                                       Upaya for apparels, Daichi for food, and            200+
               exceptional performance and the                                                                                 Guaum for dairy – a vibrant ecosystem               Products Range
               impact of Vedanta's support.                                                                                    emerged, weaving dreams of prosperity.              (Textile, Food & Animal Feed)

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