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Local Employment Local Procurement
The approach that we take in engaging with the Along with our focus on employment, we Project Utthan boosts employment opportunities in Kalahandi and Rayagada
local communities that are proximate to our actively engage with local vendors and
mines and plants is founded on a few key levers. suppliers, wherever possible. By sourcing education and employment, fostering
goods and services locally, we contribute growth and development in these regions.
Creating employment opportunities: This is the to the growth and sustainability of local
foremost lever through which we ensure that the businesses, and stimulate economic
benefits of our business extends to the people activity within the region. As a part of our Local employment
living in the vicinity. There are various ways in targeted CSR initiatives, we endeavour to Project Utthan is committed to creating
which employment opportunities are created. In generate direct employment through our jobs for educated youth in Kalahandi and created for
remote areas, we make sure that eligible people operations and to encourage indirect Rayagada, with a focus on graduates.
from the local population get recruited. We also employment. By training local populations Recently, they recruited 73 young 4,000
conduct vocational and skill development in skills and trades where business individuals from these districts for roles
trainings for local youth and housewives as part opportunities exist and where they can at an alumina refinery, 43 from Kalahandi, individuals
of our income generation activities. Further, the commercially transact with the company, and 30 from Rayagada. In a ceremony at
CSR programmes offered under our CSR policy we help to build a positive ecosystem of Bhawanipatna Town Hall, Ms. P Anwesha
take a bottoms-up community engagement employment generation and sourcing and Reddy, the District Collector, handed out
approach and our employment generation procurement that works beneficially for appointment letters to the Kalahandi
activities are customized to the needs of the local both us and our dependent communities. recruits, marking the beginning of their
populations, with project design and delivery In this way, we foster long-term economic careers and underlining their dedication
done in consultation with the beneficiaries. In progress in the regions where we operate. to local youth employment. The program
certain cases, even senior management includes additional training to nurture
positions maybe filled by individuals from nearby their skills and promote growth into
communities, given our commitment of providing leadership roles.
commensurate employment. Our operations in
other geographies contribute to job creation and Since its inception, Vedanta Lanjigarh
growth of the local economy by recruiting a has employed over 270 graduate
significant percentage of our workforce from the students from Kalahandi and Rayagada
country where our operations are based. INR 351.16 in both technical and non-technical
billion spent on positions. Many have risen to managerial
roles, enriching the company's pool of
local procurement capable local employees. Over the
years, approximately 4,000 individuals
from these districts have found
employment in technical roles,
21% significantly boosting rural incomes and
developing the talents of local youth
Share of local people in who might not have had such Project Uthhan - NSW at Lanjigarh - employment
senior management positions opportunities otherwise. Project Utthan Graduate youths from Kalahandi and
continues to bridge the gap between
Rayagada trained under Project Uthhan
at the operating site level