Page 36 - Environmental Report for EXL Services_Web Only
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Helping Clients
          Our Presence  Highlights  World is  Transition to  There is  Strategic  Accomplishing  Transitioning  Climate  Accelerating  Water Use &  Cultivating  use Structured  GRI  GHG  List of
            Across  and Progress  Influencing  Climate- aligned  Always a  through  to Climate  Positive  Waste  Culture of         Assurance                36
           the Globe  on Goals  Our Journey  World  Better Way  Framework  Actions  Aligned Business  Commitments  Change  Management Shared Value  Environmental Data  Index  Statement  Abbreviations
                                                                                                                     for Risk Aversion

          Likewise, EXL has limited scope of                         Total Water Withdrawal by Source               Majority of our offices are in metropolitan
          opportunity for waste water management.                                                                   locations and in multi-tenant buildings,
          Waste water management is mainly done by           Parameter    Units  2018   2019    2020   2021         wherein we have installed the best
          the common facility management agencies of         Municipal water  kl   154,546   163,315   64,878   36,330  sustainable solutions available in the
          the rented facilities. However, in EXL owned       Total water  kl   154,546  163,315  64,878  36,330     market. One of the most efficient ways
          facilities, waste water management is done         withdrawal                                             being, deployment of technologies that limit
                                                             by source
          by EXL only. The steps followed by EXL for                                                                the use of water quantity. We have installed
          waste water management are as follows:             * Reporting boundary for water withdrawal in this table is only for our operations in India   automatic water shutoff sensors at most of
                                                             and the Philippines.                                   our geographic locations. In some of the
          1.  Treatment of waste water,                      As of now, in other Geographies we do not have options to measure our raw water   locations, we are experimenting with
                                                             consumption. However, we are working on feasible alternatives in order to report our raw
          2.  Testing of treated water before discharge.     water consumption in future reporting years for all our operations.   sensor-based water coolers. We have
                                                                                                                    installed water coolers that ensure

          As an environmentally responsible                  Initiatives to Reduce Water Wastage                    touchless water dispensing. Equipped with
          organization, EXL promotes and organize                                                                   robust motion sensors, these water coolers
          ‘Save Water’ campaign within its organization      COVID-19 Outbreak, encouraged us to adopt a            provide chilled water automatically on
          boundary for all its employees and plans           remote working model with 90-95 percent of our         placing a cup beneath the faucet. The
          promote the ‘Save Water’ campaign within           employees working from home globally. While our        touchless operation minimises the risk of
          the it’s office buildings as well.                 distribution centres were in hibernation mode          water loss and is a sustainable solution for
                                                             (where appropriate), which gave us an                  corporate offices such as ours with high
                                                             opportunity to reduce water usage at our               water consumption. This initiative alone
                                                             facilities. Most of our water usage at our office      has helped us to save water which
                                                             premises is for residential water use. We derive       otherwise is wasted.
                                                             our overall freshwater use is from municipal
         In some of the locations, we are                    water sources or purchased from commercial             Sensors
         experimenting with sensor-based                     providers. As an IT/ITeS organisation, we are not

         water coolers. We have installed                    a water-intensive organisation. Hence, we do not
         water coolers that ensure touchless                 acquire ground water at any of our businesses
         water dispensing.                                   and none of our operations have any influence on
                                                             water conservation zones designated and
                                                             reported to us by national or international
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