Page 57 - Catalysing Chemicals WIP (Version 2.0) FINAL ARTWORK.cdr
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Photo Credit: GHCL

                 Thirumalai                       Jubilant Life                    Tata Chemicals
                 Chemicals:                       Sciences :                       Keeping Everything from
                 Pharma Application Products      Making Pharma                    Chicken to the Planet Healthy
                 from Waste Streams               Healthier!                       One of Tata Chemical's
                                                                                   inorganic chemical products
                                                  Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide &        is sodium bicarbonate. As a
                 TCL manufactures Phthalic        Niacin) is an important          highly versatile alkali, it
                 Anhydride from the               constituent of Vitamin B-        keeps everything from the
                 petrochemical feedstock O-       complex. Though an               chicken to the planet
                 Xylene. From the waste           essential element, it is not     healthy. The manufacturing
                 streams of this plant, through a                                  process itself is a carbon
                 process developed in-house,      produced by the body; it has     sink as it consumes carbon
                 two very important products -    to be supplied through diet      dioxide. This chemical plays
                 Fumaric Acid and Malic Acid      or direct supplementation.       an important role in poultry
                                                  Vitamin B3 is necessary to
                 are produced.                                                     and livestock by preventing
                                                  maintain energy and
                 Fumaric Acid is extensively      general vitality as it helps to   acidosis. It is an effective
                                                                                   supplement in cattle and
                 used for making anti retroviral   release energy and              poultry feed.
                 drugs. Fumaric acid is used in   nutrients from food.
                 the manufacture of Salt of Iron   Being the second largest        In humans, the chemical is
                 (Ferrous Fumarate), an           manufacturer of                  widely used to treat
                 essential supplement for                                          digestion, in pharmaceutical
                 anemic persons and nursing       Niacinamide & Niacinin the       industry. Sodium
                 mothers. The importance can      world, Jubilant has focused      bicarbonate is a critical
                 be understood from the fact      on making its                    product used in the
                                                  manufacturing processes
                 that there is no Iron            sustainable. The Company’s       increasing need for kidney
                 supplement other than Ferrous    drive for green chemistry        dialysis and other intensive
                 Fumarate in this segment.        has led to the development       care treatments. It is used as
                 Fumaric acid is also used in     of eco-friendly processes        a buffering agent, providing
                 animal feeds.                                                     bicarbonate ions to balance
                                                  and use of renewable
                                                                                   the pH during blood
                  Malic Acid is used as food      feedstock. This has              purification.
                 acidulant. It is pertinent to not   triggered impulse for
                 that Malic Acid occurs           developing a new and more        Sodium bicarbonate is a
                 naturally in a lot of fruits &   efficient catalytic process      vital ingredient in the
                 vegetables, also it is formed in    for production of Niacin.     production of over-the-
                 metabolic cycles of Plants,      This process applies a multi     counter drugs such as
                 Animals & Humans. Thus Malic     functional catalyst, thus        effervescent antacids,
                 Acid is the best suited food     reducing a number of             vitamin supplements,
                 acidulant for human              individual reaction steps in     analgesic tablets and
                 consumption and is used in       the chemical conversion to       powders, toothpaste and
                 beverages, ready to cook foods,   only one step. This makes       antacid gel formulations.
                 candies and soft drinks. Malic   the process much cleaner,        In addition, sodium
                 Acid finds application in        greener and carbon               bicarbonate in the form of
                 Pharma sector also – it is used   efficient.                      an effervescent solution is
                 in the treatment of                                               also effective in cleaning
                 fybromyalgia and chronic                                          dentures.
                 fatigue syndrome.

                                                                                          Chemistry Everywhere   53
                                                                                          In Pursuit of Sustainable Development
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