Page 51 - Chambal Fertilisers - CSR Compendium Revised 23 july 2019 font file
P. 51
CSR COMPENDIUM 51 Creating Value, Transforming Lives 51
Transforming Age Old Habits – Towards An Open Defecation Free India
Transforming Age Old Habits – Towards An Open Defecation Free India
As per the 2011 Census only 32% of India’s rural households had toilets and a further survey revealed that a much al households had toilets and a further survey revealed that a much
As per the 2011 Census only 32% of India’s rur
smaller percentage actually used these toilets smaller percentage actually used these toilets. In a large percentage of Indian villages open defecation is practiced . In a large percentage of Indian villages open defecation is practiced
by default. This fact resonated clearly in Shambhu’s words. A Farmer hailing from village Pachra Ki Jhopadiyan, he s words. A Farmer hailing from village Pachra Ki Jhopadiyan, he
by default. This fact resonated clearly in Shambhu’
said "I inherited my parent's land, livelihood, living ar
said "I inherited my parent's land, livelihood, living area and unfortunately, the habit of defecating in the open.” ea and unfortunately, the habit of defecating in the open.”
Shambhu further lamented that he himself, his wife, children and all villagers defecate in the open land behind e, children and all villagers defecate in the open land behind
Shambhu further lamented that he himself, his wif
the village. the village.
A village of 300 residences, none of them with an individual t
A village of 300 residences, none of them with an individual toilet, Pachra Ki Jhopadiyan symbolizes hundreds of oilet, Pachra Ki Jhopadiyan symbolizes hundreds of
India’s villages. After CFCL’s campaigns, the villag
India’s villages. After CFCL’s campaigns, the village residents understood link between open defecation, hygiene and e residents understood link between open defecation, hygiene and
the spread of diseases. The villagers said that hygiene was the least of their priorities till they became aware of its ygiene was the least of their priorities till they became aware its
the spread of diseases. The villagers said that h
advantages. When Shambhu constructed a toilet in his home
advantages. When Shambhu constructed a toilet in his home, several others were inspired to follow suit. , several others were inspired to follow suit.
Given the many challenges connected with open de
Given the many challenges connected with open defecation, India has set itself the target of becoming Open fecation, India has set itself the target of becoming Open
Defecation Free by October 2019. We, at CFCL Defecation Free by October 2019. We, at CFCL are endeavoring to make villages such as Pachra, Gadepan, are endeavoring to make villages such as Pachra, Gadepan,
Ballabhpura and Bhauran Open Defecation Fr Ballabhpura and Bhauran Open Defecation Free in the near in the near future.
Girls Toilet at Govt. Upper Primary School, Village Dab
Girls Toilet at Govt. Upper Primary School, Village Dabarar