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As an organisation, CII, over the last several      Change Performance Index. The index is
                                                          decades has put a significant focus on              published by German Watch, New Climate
                                                          sustainability. As a thought and action             Institute and Climate Action Network
                                                          leader, CII has the convening power to bring        International based in Germany. The top-5
                                                          stakeholders together. Industry is taking           rank globally reflects that India is
                                                          leadership in bringing to life innovative           implementing energy transition
                                                          business models that tackle environmental           programmes such as renewable capacity
                                                          and social challenges, build resilience, and        installation at much faster rate than
                                                          impact society positively.                          anywhere in the world.

                                                          The WEF Global Risks Report 2023 clearly            For the third consecutive year, India has
                                                          states that the long-term risk of failure to        attained the position of fastest-growing
                                                          tackle climate change emerges as the                large economy in the world - during the year
                                                          biggest set of risks. From failure to mitigate      FY2022-23, India’s GDP expanded to 7.1
                                                          climate change to biodiversity loss and             percent, and it is set to continue on a path of
                                                          ecosystem collapse, the top 4 most severe           robust and accelerated growth. As India
               CII is committed to                        risks over the next 10 years are all                embarks on a dynamic growth era towards
               partnering with Indian                     environmental . The report said the window          2047, when it completes 100 years as a
               industry in achieving its                  for action on the most serious long-term            nation, CII is committed to partnering with
               aspirations for growth, while              threats is closing rapidly and concerted,           Indian industry in achieving its aspirations for
               contributing majorly to the                collective action is needed before risks reach      growth, while contributing majorly to the
                                                          a tipping point. Over the past few years, we        global and Indian challenges of inclusive
               global and Indian challenges
                                                          have seen an increase in natural calamities         development, competitiveness,
               of inclusive development,
                                                          – from wildfires and storms to floods and           sustainability, and globalisation, and building
               competitiveness,                           droughts. Since 2008, devastating floods and        trust with all stakeholders.
               sustainability, and                        storms have forced more than 20 million
               globalisation, and building                people from their homes each year.                  Through our Centres of Excellence (CoEs), we
               trust with all                                                                                 have facilitated industry’s evolution and
               stakeholders.                              On India’s part, every effort at enhanced           progress in the arena of sustainability. And in
                                                          ambition is being undertaken, which include         particular, the CII-ITC Centre of Excellence for
                                                          India’s updated NDCs and declaration of             sustainable development, while creating a
                                                          net-zero by 2070 and tremendous efforts in          significant repertoire of subject matter
                                                          domestic climate action with a wide range of        knowledge in sustainability has created
                                                          initiatives, programmes and schemes by the          platforms to dynamically work in the areas of
                                                          government.  In fact, India is ranked among         Climate Action, Biodiversity, Clean Air,
                                                          the top five countries, and the best among          Plastics, Circular Economy, ESG, and Supply
                                                          the G20 nations, under the global Climate           Chain Sustainability, among others, and
                                                                                                              mobilizes collaborative industry action. The

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