Page 76 - CESD Annual Report 2022_Page01-46
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The Centre has helped industry clients to Post the baseline setting, the Centre Organisational Effectiveness
successfully manage environmental intends to evaluate and suggest
Embed sustainability principles in the
performance and ESG (Environment, improvements based on Environmental,
core of their strategy, operations and
Social and Corporate Governance) Social and Governance aspects. This will
culture to make sustainability a source
disclosures. The team has been support- be beneficial for the parent MNC as well
of ongoing and increasing value.
ing companies to deliver long-term as the respective suppliers as it will
sustainable value to its stakeholders. The create an impact with respect to multiple
Centre has also helped few Public Sector Sustainable Development Goals for each Sustainability Disclosures
Enterprises (PSEs) by assisting them in supplier as well as MNC. This will also Organisations Report their ESG
moving ahead towards the journey of impact the overall SDG targets for the performance that enables improved
Sustainability and ESG by benchmarking Government of India at a global level. access to capital, assured credibility
the PSE, preparing their Gap Assessment and enhanced value. The services
Report and BRSR Report. This has led to: place focus on the clientele looking to
give a revamp to their sustainability
Optimum tool to enable
Establishment of new parameters based reporting structures and advising the
organisations to identify areas for
on the Environment, Social and clients on new developments
improvements (gaps) risks and
Governance aspects in multiple pertaining to the reporting
organisations. requirements and improving their
disclosure capabilities.
Process Improvement
Organisations are now aware of the ESG
indicators, their contribution, impact and Build capabilities required to
linkage with Sustainable Development achieve operational excellence
Goals. across their entire value chain, and
design broad- based programmes 30+ 900+
Improvement in their ESG scores and that drive sustainable Training Professionals
rating leading to better investor traction. improvements. Programmes Trained
The Centre has also assisted a well
Implementing Changes
known MNCs by evaluating and creating
a baseline for their 130 suppliers (approx.) Implement solutions required to
thus helping the company in creating a achieve operational excellence 20+ 80+
baseline for sustainable supply chain. across their entire value chain. Clients Aduit Man
Serviced Days Invested
76 Commitment Towards a Sustainable Future