Page 49 - CESD Annual Report 2022_Page01-46
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Instituted in 2006, the CII-ITC                   Methodology
               Sustainability Awards recognize and
               reward excellence in businesses that are          USP of the Awards: CII-ITC Sustainability          Awards Ceremony
               going the distance to embed                       Awards are the only third-party assured
               sustainable practices in their operations.        Awards in terms of technology,                     Winners are recognised at a
               Winners of the Awards are role models             governance, methodology and process.               presentation Ceremony. The
               that inspire others to follow suit. The           Uniquely based on EFQM Excellence                  ceremony not only recognises the
               Awards are a part of the continued                Framework, the Awards are designed for             participant companies but also, the
               efforts of CESD to create awareness on            those who strive e¬ffortlessly to make             assessors who diligently participate
               sustainability practices and to create            sustainability their business. Companies           and contribute their expertise,
               capacities in business. More than                 can apply for the Corporate Excellence             throughout the Awards cycle. The
               recognition, the Awards measure                   category or domain category                        ceremony is attended by some of the
               performance and provide detailed                  (Environment Management, Biodiversity,             most illustrious and distinguished Jury,
               feedback for opportunities to excel.              Corporate Social Responsibility).                  CEOs, and Assessors who come to

               CII-ITC Sustainability Awards define the          Each year, the participating companies             receive the Awards under various
               science of sustainability performance.            undergo a rigorous evaluation process              categories. This year too, the Awards
               Excellence in sustainability is a journey of      that includes preliminary screening, desk          ceremony was conducted virtually.
               continuous improvement in processes               analysis and on-site assessment by a
               and results. In the past 17 years,                team of CII-certified sustainability
               cumulatively, 1131 businesses have                assessors, who spent approximately
               applied, of which 375 have been                   1,000 man-hours per application over a
               recognized. Limited number of                     period of six months. The process is
               applications are accepted to maintain             validated and supported by a
               strong competition and high standards             pre-eminent jury which meets after
               of excellence.                                    each stage, to ascertain the
                                                                 qualification of the companies to the
                                                                 next round. This uniquely credible Award           “Ceremony attended by some
                                                                 celebrates the exemplary contribution of           of the most illustrious and
               “In the past 17 years,
                                                                 businesses in scaling up sustainable               distinguished Jury, CEOs, and
               cumulatively, 1131 businesses                     practices.                                         Assessors who come to receive
               applied and 375 recognized.
                                                                                                                    Awards under various
               Limited number of applications
               accepted to maintain strong
               competition and high standards
               of excellence.”

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