Page 44 - CESD Annual Report 2022_Page01-46
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The CII Climate Action Charter (CCAC)        State level initiative awareness was             Insights
               was launched in September 2022, at           held in Indore (Palda Cluster, Polo
                                                                                                         •  Due to limited information access, it was found
               the 17th Sustainability Summit.              Ground Cluster, Sanwer Road
                                                                                                           that these MSME clusters are unaware of the
                                                            Cluster) in January 2023 and two
               Under the Charter, development of            CCAC awareness workshops were                  issues caused by climate change and how to
               climate action plan at the                   conducted in Jaipur (Bagru                     alleviate them.  The clusters' industrial
               industrial cluster level has been            Industrial Cluster and Sitapura                processes produce a significant amount of
               initiated in the states of Tamil             Industrial Cluster) in January and             greenhouse gases (GHG). The majority of
               Nadu, Madhya Pradesh, and                    February 2023 respectively, where              sectors in these clusters do not actively seek to
               Rajasthan. This initiative focuses on        80 MSMEs stated their interest and             mitigate the impacts of climate change, and
               implementing the CCAC toolkit for            committed to join the Climate                  also lack the necessary technological
               industrial clusters such as                  Action Charter. The sessions                   infrastructure.
               engineering, textiles, auto                  discussed opportunities, gaps and
                                                                                                         •  There aren't many regulations, plans, or
               component manufacturers, food                challenges faced by the MSME
                                                                                                           strategies in place for these clusters to handle
               processing, recyclers, and mining            clusters with respect to
                                                                                                           threats that climate change poses. Only a
               industries. Outputs of the toolkit will      sustainability and climate change.
                                                                                                           small number of businesses keep track of their
               inform the development of a                  The importance of developing
                                                                                                           GHG emissions inventories.  Additionally, only a
               climate action plan at the cluster           capacity for reporting on Scope 1
                                                                                                           small portion of the sectors within the clusters
               level that will help MSMEs in                and Scope 2 was explained to the
                                                                                                           have committed to achieving Net Zero
               addressing climate-related risks to          participants.
               their businesses. 150+ industries
                                                            MSMEs are particularly at risk from
               are being targeted as a part of the                                                       •  A lack of awareness of regional, national, and
                                                            the impacts of climate change
               initiative.                                                                                 international efforts to mitigate climate change
                                                            since they typically operate at the
                                                                                                           was observed. Only a small number of
                                                            margins and rely primarily on
                                                                                                           industries in the clusters have embraced
                                                            natural resources that are
                                                                                                           current practices, programmes, or initiatives to
               The Charter has 204                          susceptible to those effects. Some             manage climate risk. These clusters do not
                                                            intriguing findings from the in-depth
               signatories from a variety of                                                               contribute to regional or national efforts to fight
                                                            analysis of the MSME clusters in
               sectors ranging from                                                                        climate change.
                                                            Rajasthan (Sitapura and Bagru in
               hard-to-abate sectors
                                                            Jaipur), Tamil Nadu (Tiruppur and            •  Renewable energy is used by a tiny percentage
               (cement, steel, and metals &                 Coimbatore), and Madhya Pradesh                of the industries in these clusters. An informal
               mining), multi-sector                        (Sanwer Road, Palda, and                       system dominates both the supply and
               diversified businesses,                      Pologround in Indore) are described            demand sides of travel. The general industrial
               MSMEs (tanning, textiles,                    in detail below:                               population is not well-versed in
               consultancies) and service                                                                  energy-efficient industrial motors.
               sectors (IT and ITeS).
               44  Commitment Towards a Sustainable Future
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