Page 79 - Balmer Lawrie Sustainability Report 2022_Single Pages
P. 79

Material Topic          Disclosure                                           Page No.

                GRI 103:  Management    GRI 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its   48
                Approach 2016           boundaries
                                        GRI 103-2: The management approach and its components   48

                                        GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach     48

                GRI 403: Occupational   Disclosure 403-2 Types of injury and rates of injury,   51
                Health & Safety 2016    occupational diseases, lost days, absenteeism, and
                                        number of work-related fatalities
                GRI 103: Management     GRI 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its   51
                Approach 2016           boundaries
                                        GRI 103-2: The management approach and its components   51

                                        GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach     51

                GRI 103: Management     GRI 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its   51
                Approach 2016           boundaries GRI
                                        GRI 103-2: The management approach and its components   51

                                        GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach     51

                GRI 404: Training and   Disclosure 404-1 Average hour of training per year per   50
                Education 2016          employee

                                        Disclosure 404-3 Percentage of employees receiving   48
                                        regular performance and career development reviews

                GRI 103: Management     GRI 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its   48
                Approach 2016           boundaries
                                        GRI 103-2: The management approach and its components   48

                                        GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach     48

                GRI 413: Local          Disclosure 413-1 Operation with local community      57-69
                Communities 2016        engagement, impact assessments, and development
                GRI 103: Management     GRI 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its   37, 57-69
                Approach 2016           boundaries GRI
                                        GRI 103-2: The management approach and its components   37, 57-69

                                        GRI 103-3: Evaluation of the management approach     37, 57-69

                GRI 419: Socioeconomic   Disclosure 419-1 Non-compliance with laws and       37, 57-69
                Compliance 2016         regulations in the social and economic area

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