Page 75 - Balmer Lawrie Sustainability Report 2022_Single Pages
P. 75

Global Compact Principles               Global Compact Principles               Page No.

               Principle 1: Human Rights:              Disclosure 413-1 Operation with local   55-66
               Businesses should support and           community engagement, impact
               respect the protection of internationally   assessments, and development programs
               proclaimed human rights

               Principle 2: Human Rights               Disclosure 414-1 New supplier that was   Not reported
               Businesses should make sure they are    screened using social criteria
               not complicit in human rights abuses

               Principle 3: Labour                     102-41 Collective bargaining
               Businesses should uphold the freedom of   Agreements
               association and the effective recognition of
               the right to collective bargaining

               Principle 4: Labour                     Not Reported                           Not Reported
               Businesses should uphold the elimination of
               all forms of forced and compulsory labour

               Principle 5: Labour                     Not Reported                           Not Reported
               Businesses should uphold the effective
               abolition of child labour

               Principle 6: Labour                     102-7 Scale of the organization        9
               Businesses should uphold the
               elimination of discrimination in respect   102-8 Information on employees and other   46
               of employment and occupation            workers

                                                       GRI 401: Employment 2016               47

                                                       GrI 404: Training and education 2016   48, 49

               Principle 7: Environment                GRI 302: Energy 2016                   42
               Businesses should support a precautionary
               approach to environmental challenges    GRI 303: Water 2016                    43

                                                       GRI 305: Emissions 2016                42

               Principle 8: Environment                GRI 307: Environmental Compliance 2016  41
               Businesses should undertake initiatives
               to promote greater environmental        GRI 308: Supplier environmental
               responsibility                                                                 Not reported
                                                       assessment 2016

               Principle 9: Environment                Environmental Protection               Not reported
               Businesses should encourage the         Expenditure
               development and diffusion of
               environmentally friendly technologies

               Principle 10: Anti-corruption           102-16 Values, principles, standards,
               Businesses should work against          and norms of behavior
               corruption in all its forms, including
               extortion and bribery

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