Page 67 - Balmer Lawrie Sustainability Report 2022_Single Pages
P. 67

Growth of all stakeholders and                         A  well-defined and time-tested  CSR policy and robust
         equitable development of the society                   implementation system has enabled Balmer Lawrie to
                                                                successfully undertake many CSR programmes and
         has always been underlying philosophy                  projects around the year. Community engagement has
         of Balmer Lawrie. The Company                          been one of the key pillars of all CSR activities undertaken
                                                                by the Company. All CSR activities are undertaken in
         believes that all its stakeholders are                 consultation  and  with  active  involvement of the

         tirelessly contributing to the growth                  community. After suffering the once in a century pandemic
                                                                in the last two years, world is now limping back to its feet.
         trajectory of the Company. The                         The Company true to its commitment towards the
         Company in return is assisting in                      upliftment  and  well-being  of  disadvantaged,  vulnerable
                                                                and marginalized stakeholders has undertaken many
         development of the society, specially                  projects in FY2021-22.
         marginalised and disadvantaged strata                  Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a transformational
         of the society through various projects                practice by the business corporations in India, mandated by
         taken up on continual basis under its                  the Government. CSR programs aim  at transforming the
                                                                lives  of  the  underprivileged  and  enhancing  collective
         CSR activities.                                        community well-being, besides the broader goal of driving
                                                                sustainable development and growth of all stakeholders. In
                                                                line with this, the Company has been driving various CSR
                                                                projects independently around its units and establishments
                                                                across the country and has also been supporting various
                                                                programs  initiated by the Government of India like the
                                                                COVID-19 response, Clean India Mission and Skill
                                                                Development Institutes. The Company is responsive to the
                                                                needs of society at large and its socioeconomic goals are
                                                                well aligned with the business objectives.

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