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Apraava Sustainability Report 2020-2021 7
About Apraava
Energy 1,320 MW
coal-fired super critical power
Apraava Energy Private Limited (formerly known station at Jhajjar in Haryana
as CLP India Private Limited*) is one of India’s
leading Independent Power Producers (IPPs),
operational for close to two decades. Apraava's
investment is spread across a diversified and
environment-friendly power generation portfolio 924 MW
that covers renewable energy, super critical coal
and gas-fired generation. The Company is Wind farms spread across
supported by marquee & long-term global
investors, CLP Group & CDPQ. With a Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra,
technologically advanced and diversified Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka
portfolio of over 3,000 MW, Apraava has recently
ventured into power transmission. We have and Tamil Nadu
successfully developed a portfolio that balances
stakeholder expectations related to
environmental protection, affordability and
reliability of electricity. As on March 31, 2021, our
generation portfolio included a 1,320 MW 70 MW 180 MW
coal-fired super critical power station at Jhajjar in
Haryana, 180 MW solar projects in Telangana, 70 solar projects solar projects
MW solar projects in Maharashtra and 924 MW
wind farms spread across Rajasthan, Gujarat, in Maharashtra in Telangana
Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka and
Tamil Nadu. Power generated from these facilities
is sold to states or privately-owned electrical
utility companies. We are committed to
sustainability leadership, actioned through 240 KM
initiatives that support robust growth in our
markets, for our clients, and throughout our Transmission line
Company while being ecologically sound.
in Madhya Pradesh
*Name change effective from 29 September 2021.