Page 4 - Apraava Energy Report_01-73
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4 Energy in action
Managing Director’s Message
Apraava Energy is committed to putting its Energy into
action in order to create a business that cares about
people, the environment and society, while creating
value for all stakeholders.
Dear Reader,
I take immense pleasure in presenting to you our As on March 31, 2021, our installed capacity includes 250MW
Sustainability Report for the year 2020-21, our first as (10%) solar, 924MW (37%) wind, and 1,320MW (53%) coal
Apraava Energy. power generation. During FY 2020-21, we sent out 7.19% of
energy from solar, 23.44% from wind and 69.37% from coal.
Our new brand identity, epitomising an entity that
harnesses multiple forces, has been inspired by the four Our thermal power plant, Jhajjar Power Limited (JPL),
elements of nature that power our very existence. Apraava successfully met new emission norms by operating its Flue
is an amalgation of the Sanskrit words—Agni (Fire), Prithvi Gas Desulphurisation (FGD) units efficiently and effectively.
(Earth), Ambu (Water) and Vayu (Wind). JPL was able to utilise 100% of fly ash and bottom ash
generated during FY 2020-21. Due to decreased grid
Just as the four elements complement each other and demand, the energy sent out from JPL decreased to 4,546
coexist to maintain balance, Apraava Energy seeks to GWh in FY 2020-21 as compared to 5,463 GWh in FY 2019-20.
pursue long-term sustainable growth that is good for
people, the planet and the bottom line in collaboration with In FY 2020-21, the amount of energy sent out by wind and
all our internal and external stakeholders. solar plants was 1,536 GWh and 471 GWh, respectively,
compared to FY 2019-20 when it was 1,735 GWh and 344 GWh
The report is an articulation of our vision to achieve this respectively. Wind power sent out in FY 2020-21 dropped by
ambitious goal. This is our second Sustainability Report to about 11% compared to FY 2019-20 due to lower wind speed
be prepared ‘In Accordance Core Criteria’ of the Global during peak season. However, the addition of 80MW of solar
Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards. It represents a capacity combined with efficient Operations and
quantitative and qualitative analysis of our activities and Management (O&M) strategies resulted in about 37%
their impact on the environment, social and economic increase in solar energy sent out in FY 2020-21 over FY
factors. For better working performance and projection of 2019-20.
targets, the sustainability report has been externally
assured by M/s Ernst & Young Associates LLP, India (EY). The Apraava Energy's Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission intensity
data and information curated in this report will serve as a decreased to 0.62 kgCO e/kWh in FY 2020-21, down from 0.67
useful inventory as we work to accomplish our objectives kgCO e/kWh in FY 2019-20, an almost 7% decrease in GHG
and grow as responsible stakeholders in the power sector. emissions. Our investors, the CLP Group and Caisse de dépôt
et placement du Québec (CDPQ), have made significant
Apraava Energy’s net profit after tax for FY 2020-21 stood at commitments to climate action, in turn, driving us to actively
INR 3,373.33 million (as compared to INR 3,121.91 million for expand our portfolio of low-carbon businesses. In this
FY 2019-20). Retained earnings (including reserves) for direction, a 250MW wind project is now under construction
FY 2020-21 aggregated INR 23,423.85 million, an increase of in Gujarat.
18.83% from INR 19,712.80 million in FY 2019-20.