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Dear Stakeholders, • Inclusion of members from the Maximizing water use efficiency that will have the greatest impact on our To ensure that our efforts towards I believe that with our substantial and
transgender community into our Nearly 67% of our plants are located in water usage. inclusivity are sustained and impactful, we comprehensive action plans already rolled
At Vedanta, we strive to establish ourselves as a workforce, water-stressed areas, which underlines have established our first Diversity and out, Vedanta is well-positioned to be a
sustainability leader in the natural resources • Submission of a pledge to plant 7 million the need for systematic and scientific In line with our commitment towards Inclusion (D&I) Council. This effort, coupled leader of choice for customers, employees,
sector while we continue to create long-term trees, making us the first South Asian and management and conservation of this becoming fully water-positive, we have with the launch of the People Community of business partners, and stakeholders, all
value for our stakeholders. Given the dynamic Indian metal and mining company to do precious resource. We are pleased to collaborated with TUV-SUD to develop a Practice, aims at incorporating globally working towards a sustainable future.
shift in customer requirements, it is imperative so, and report that in FY 2023, we have already roadmap for successfully achieving this benchmarked HR practices to build a more
that we stay ahead of the curve while also reduced our net freshwater goal. Through this partnership, we are equitable workplace.
instituting the change processes to achieve a • Establishment of dedicated ESG forums consumption has decreased by more confident that we will continue to make a
future that integrates sustainability into all our across business units, which is a first for than 11.32% since FY 2021 – both of positive impact on SDG 6. Moving Forward
practices. This means reimagining established any company. which are significant milestones on our Vedanta's sustainability journey has seen
ways of working – right from how we extract journey towards water positivity. Promoting Diversity, Inclusivity, and significant progress in establishing an ESG
resources to how we engage with communities During the year, we made considerable Gender Parity in the Workplace
and our employees. strides towards fulfilling our responsibility as framework that is aligned with our long-term
conscientious caretakers of nature’s wealth An even greater accomplishment for us Creating equal opportunities for all goals. We are pleased to inform our Our goal of decarbonizing
Under our “Transforming for Good” vision, we through our enlightened environmental this year is that we have become employees, regardless of their gender, race, stakeholders that our achievements in the
water-positive at four of our sites, owing
ESG space have also been recognised by
work across the three pillars of Communities, impact mitigation and renewal programmes, to the increased usage of renewable or sexual orientation, is critical to building a ESG rating providers. Vedanta's 100%
Planet and The Workplace, and we have aligned and our also through our social outreach energy, which has, in turn, helped to diverse and inclusive workforce. With this
nine discrete organisational aims under these initiatives. This is reflected in our report, reduce water consumption significantly. goal in mind, we have initiated several performance in the DJSI rating has of our LMV fleet by 2030
significantly improved this year, with our
pillars. The articulation of these aims has helped which underscores our commitment to In addition, we have installed zero liquid significant programmes that aim to revamp score rising from 62 to 76, across all three and 75% of our mining fleet
to give definite shape to our sustainability efforts, sustainability across all areas of our discharge plants and sewage treatment the composition of our workforce and
and we use them as a base for formulating micro operations. plants at various locations to accelerate cultivate a culture of inclusiveness. ESG dimensions. As a result, the Group has by 2035 is driven by the
secured the sixth position in the global
targets, designing appropriate interventions and our journey towards water positivity. adoption of electric fleets
leveraging interlinkages to achieve holistic Achieving Net-Zero Carbon Currently, we recycle 31% of the water In FY 2023, our talent management sustainability rankings for the metals and
mining sector.
outcomes. Emissions programmes were led by the target of
we use, but there is still a long way to go. recruiting more than 50% women
We remain resolute in our efforts towards a employees in the workforce. The drive to The efforts of our 14 Communities of
With our purpose and values firmly in mind, we sustainable future and will continue to take As an additional lever of change, we Practice have been instrumental in driving
have made good progress in FY 2023 against our significant action to reduce our carbon have stepped up on improving our create a more gender-balanced workforce
three strategic pillars, and I am delighted to footprint. With a target of achieving net-zero operational efficiencies, and digitally is taken a step farther by our V-Lead our sustainability agenda forward, and we
are confident that their continued efforts
present some of the major achievements of the carbon emissions by 2050 or earlier and a mapping our water consumption, programme, which aims to identify will help us achieve our 2030 ESG targets
year. 25% absolute reduction in greenhouse gas thereby reducing overall water high-performing women employees for CXO quicker. 67%
These include: emissions by 2030, we have developed a consumption. The Dariba Smelting roles. Our Ambavgarh Dialogue annual
programme, which grooms high-performing
• The introduction of our eco-friendly aluminium comprehensive four-lever strategy focused Complex is a prime example of how women employees for the next level has, in The coming decade will be the most of our plants are located
product line, on renewable energy, fuel switch, energy digital mapping is helping us identify fact, earned recognition from industry challenging one for the metals and mining
and process efficiency, and carbon offsets. areas where we can reduce water industry, but we also believe more in water-stressed areas
• Successful implementation of electric vehicles It is an enormous undertaking, and we have consumption. In this way, we can make associations like the Society for Human opportunities will emerge than risks, giving
in our underground mines and shop floors, laid out a phased plan against which we are informed decisions and prioritize actions Resource Management (SHRM) and us greater leverage to drive long-term value.
• Initiation of a 100% renewable making steady progress. PeopleFirst.
energy-powered plant,