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         SUSTAINABILITY REPORT  FY 2023                                                                                                                                     COMMUNITIES           THE PLANET         THE WORKPLACE

         Bringing in systemic change, with an ESG focus                                                                                                                                                                                                               They also act as very powerful role models

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      and drive corporate ESG efforts with a lot of

         Message from Priya Agarwal Hebbar                                                                                                                                                                                                                            enthusiasm. It has been proven that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      organisations with more gender diverse staff,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      more effectively promote sustainable
                                                                    At Vedanta, we continue to build long-term value            one-fifth of our workforce are women. These            •  Nearly 67% of our plants are in
                                                                    for our stakeholders while working to position              definite goals showcase the priorities that we            water-stressed areas. In FY23, Vedanta
                                                                    ourselves as a sustainability leader in the natural         hold close to our hearts – ensuring cleaner air,          recycled 77 billion litres of water,                                        The natural resources and mining industry
                                                                    resources industry. We are living at a defining             reduced global warming, abundant water and a              equivalent to the annual water                                              has historically been a male-dominated area.
              Under our "Transforming for                           moment in human history where the impact of                 fairer society. By doing so, we will also de-risk         consumption of nearly 3 million people in                                   Breaking this trend, in the last one year,
              Good" vision we also have                             industrialization and ecological disorder is all            our business and create greater self-sufficiency          rural India. Four of our business units are                                 women in STEM roles have gone up from
              several key social goals                              around us. Twenty first century business leaders            and resilience.                                           already water positive. We also reduced                                     13% to 16% within our company. Our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      subsidiary HZL now boasts of India’s first
              covering diversity and                                must break from the past to establish                                                                                 our freshwater consumption by 11.32%                                        female underground mining engineers. To
              inclusion, education, primary                         carbon-light, socially supportive ways of growth            Today, the role of ESG in strengthening                   from the baseline FY 2021. Several                                          assist women in getting better aligned with
              healthcare, sanitation and                            and progress. This puts ESG at the center of                business resilience, cost conservation and                alternative water sources like municipal                                    the industry’s role requirements, we have
                                                                                                                                                                                          wastewater, saline water and rainwater
                                                                                                                                profitability are well accepted. We have been on
                                                                    corporate decision-making.
              hygiene, livelihood creation and                                                                                  the ESG integration journey for more than a               harvesting are being harnessed.                                             been providing 2X training to women
              wildlife conservation and                             Defining new industry standards                             decade now and each day we work rigorously,                                                                                           employees compared to their male
              animal welfare.                                                                                                   inching closer to our goal of being one of the         Under our "Transforming for Good" vision                                       counterparts in FY2023. We are thrilled to be
                                                                    Vedanta has been a frontrunner in practicing                                                                                                                                                      setting such positive precedents that
                                                                    ESG-centred thinking. We are one of the largest             ‘greenest’ and most ‘people oriented’ metals           we also have several key social goals                                          contribute to greater gender parity at the
                                                                    natural resources companies in the world, and               and mining producers. We are proud of all that         covering diversity and inclusion, education,                                   workplace. As a part of promoting a diverse
                                                                    produce nine out of the 17 transition metals that           we have so far achieved:                               primary healthcare, sanitation and hygiene,                                    and inclusive workplace, we are also
                                                                    green manufacturing and carbon-light                        •  Our GHG intensity (TCO e/INR Mn) has                livelihood creation and wildlife conservation                                  consciously encouraging regional diversity
                                                                    technology solutions will need to metamorphose                 reduced by nearly 30% against a FY2021              and animal welfare. Along with charting a                                      and are trying to recruit talent from different
                                                                    the present towards a more sustainable future.                 baseline                                            greener way forward for our nation’s growth,                                   geographic areas. Establishing an
                                                                    We view our role as an active agent in making               •  RE usage has increased 14 times since               we are also helping to realize India’s social                                  LGBTQ+friendly atmosphere is another
                                                                    this future a reality. As an industry leader, we               FY20. We target spending USD 5 billion              priorities of creating a healthier and more                                    priority. In support of our diversity and
                                                                    have been actively incorporating sustainability                towards reaching our goal of net zero               equitable society.                                                             inclusion emphasis, we are also
                                                                    and extensive ESG orientation into our                         operations.                                                                                                                        communicating with our employees through
                                                                    operations, community outreaches and                                                                               Creating greater equality, building                                            open platforms that promote honest
                                                                    corporate practices. Our vision of Transforming             •  Apart from progressive fleet                        a better workforce                                                             exchange of viewpoints and enable us to
                                                                    for Good is focused on integrating all-round                   decarbonization, we have introduced an              We have made great progress in promoting                                       better understand their problems.
                                                                    sustainability within our process technologies, to             industry-leading EV purchase policy for all         women's representation in leadership
                                                                    progressively lighten long-term adverse impact.                our employees to incentivize electric vehicle       positions, including CXO positions. This is a                                  Maintaining a safe work environment is a top
                                                                    We have our sights set on 2030, for reaching                   purchase, which reflects our 360-degree             welcome move on several counts – not only                                      priority for our company to ensure workforce
                                                                    multiple ESG goals. By that time, we have                      approach to ‘greening’ our impact                   does it benefit women and give them                                            well-being and optimal productivity. This
                                                                    committed to reducing 25% of our GHG                        •  The introduction of our carbon-light product        greater empowerment, the organization                                          commitment is fundamental for our
                                                                    emissions, decarbonizing our transportation                    lines, kicked off by Restora and Restora Ultra      benefits immensely too as these women                                          organizational growth. In FY 2023, the
                                                                    fleet, running 2.5 GW-worth of our operations on               aluminium options, gives a preview of the           bring in richness of perspectives and novel                                    company reported 13 fatal incidents. In
                                                                    RTC-RE, becoming 100% water positive, planting                 many more innovative green products being           viewpoints.                                                                    response, we have greatly strengthened our
         Priya Agarwal Hebbar                                       more than 7 million trees (as a part of WEF’s One              developed, including green copper.                                                                                                 Critical Risk Management programmme for

         Non-Executive Director                                     Trillion Trees programme) and ensuring that

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