Page 60 - TRIF Annual Report 2021
P. 60
Looking Ahead
Pause. Deliberate. Pivot Reflect on Our Approach
Analyse our Capacities and Positioning
Analyse how Future will Unfold for
Non-government Action in India
Align with Emerging Challenges
of the Future
We conducted a Quinquennial Review (QQR), and sought feedback from the Advisory Board, our mentors,
our staff, donors and institutional partners– who have been instrumental in helping the organization
navigate its path, grow and achieve its goals.
Quinquennial Review (QQR): Reflecting learning and unlearning along the way. We
on the five-years of existence believe that this is the core spirit of our
organization – we acknowledge that we do
TRIF was founded in 2016 with a vision to not have all the answers, and as the
transform the quality of life-experience in the environment around us evolves, we proceed
villages of the country. Since then, the on our Mission with a deep commitment to
organization has dedicated itself to transform learn, adapt, and work with the changing
the opportunities available to those in the context. As the organization was reaching its
villages, especially in the bottom 100,000 milestone of 5 years, we took upon ourselves,
villages, which we have termed as ‘Stranded time to reflect on and pivot to the evolving
India’. As we hit the ground running in 2016, we context and institutionalize our learnings in
pivoted our approach, tested our assumptions, navigating future direction.