Page 48 - TRIF Annual Report 2021
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Support Unit for Transform                      Transformation of Aspirational                                         Technical Assistance
            Rural Area (SUTRA)                              Districts Program                                                      to UPSRLM

            Directorate of Panchayati Raj, Government of MP  Multi-Thematic, Ministry of Home Affairs                               Livelihoods, State Rural Livelihood Mission, Government of UP

            Support Unit for Transform Rural Area           The Transformation of Aspirational District Program                    As part of the Technical Support, TRIF works to develop customised solutions for the stakeholders,
            (SUTRA), an embedded cell, has been             (TADP), is a flagship program of the Government of                      leading to further systematic field level co-creation.
            formed in collaboration with Department of      India anchored by NITI Aayog. The program aims to
            Panchayat Raj (DoPR). This cell works on the    bring transformational changes in the 112 districts                    The program aims to strengthen overall systems and processes of UPSRLM, strengthen its community
            opportunity to demonstrate scalable             across multiple “quality of life experience”                           institutions and platforms, and devise evidence-based strategies and interventions, while also
            pathways for improving the effectiveness of      dimensions. As part of the program, 35 Aspirational                    integrating them into UPSRLM’s core operational model for empowering and mobilizing communities to
            Gram Panchayats as vehicles of                  Districts spread across 7 States namely Jharkhand,                     achieve sustainable improvement in HN outcomes through UPSRLM’s livelihood platforms. This is a
            socio-economic transformation. Focus is on                                                                             holistic approach where systems strengthening begins at State level and intervention percolates down
            institutional development and strengthening     Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh,                           to the Cluster Level Federations (CLFs) with targeted outcomes of improved governance and operations
            the delivery capacity of Gram Panchayats        Telangana and Maharashtra, are entrenched with the                     mechanisms for CLFs as well as strengthened government systems at all levels. Strategy co-creation
            (GPs), including organizational capacities,     dual challenge of backwardness and Left-Wing                           with SRLM involves improving intervention design for the field teams, digitization of critical processes
            planning processes, and the effective            Extremism. Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and Tata                      and developing institutional processes along with structured guidelines and SOPs. The processes for
            convergence of government programs,             Trusts partnered for implementing program in these                     strengthening of community institutions is being devised based on a detailed study of nearly 153 Cluster
            together with mobilization of community         35 districts, with Transforming Rural India                            Level Federations through training of nearly 800 UPSRLM staff. This program aims to enable 300 CLFs
            collectives like Self Help Groups (SHGs) and    Foundation as the Implementation agency providing                      with their business plans and strengthened internal systems in the next financial year.
            their federations set up by the Madhya          technical support to the program.
            Pradesh Rajya Aajeevika Forum (MPSRLM).
            The cell consists of one State unit and two     To support this engagement, the three-year
            District units of Barwani and Jhabua. Major     Aspirational District Fellowship (ADF) was launched                    State Irrigation Execution
            streams of intervention of this cell include    in July 2018, anchored by TRIF. TRIF has also                          Cell (SIEC)
            supporting Block Pilots for strengthening       deployed a Fellowship Support cell. The combined
            Supply-side, replication and scale up of best
            practices, and institutional strengthening of   efforts of the District administration and Fellows                      Livelihoods, Rural Development Department, Government of Jharkhand
            SUTRA.                                          have resulted in initiating many public system
                                                            strengthening efforts by way of data-driven                             Agriculture being the major source of income           schemes in securing livelihoods for small
            In 2020-2021, SUTRA cell anchored ‘Mission      governance, technical support to the line                              for many States makes reliance on                      holder farmers and in developing robust
            Gaurav’ program (Tata Trusts funded) aimed      departments for improved designing, planning and                       availability of irrigation facilities salient for      ‘Agriculture Production Clusters’. The cell has
            at building social and economic recovery for    monitoring of schemes along with convergence of                        agricultural productivity. In Jharkhand, with          played a pivotal role in strengthening
            returnee migrants. The program leveraged        resources and fostering best practices. 31 out of the                  less than 10.6% of the net sown area being             planning and execution including capacity
            ‘Community Based Organizations (CBOs)-          35 Districts have received special performance                         irrigated, it is touted as one of the ‘extremely       building activities under this program. Large
            Panchayati Raj Institution (PRI)’ engagement    awards from the NITI Aayog.                                            food insecure states’ of India. The State              scale implementation of Community Managed
            and government partnerships to tackle the                                                                              government’s focus on strengthening                    Micro-Irrigation scheme (CMMIS) has been
            severe economic shocks and build a              The Program team has also developed and                                implementation of irrigation programs                  taken up by the cell in 7 blocks. JOHAR, a
            foundation for long-term economic               disseminated knowledge materials including                             created pathways for partnership with TRIF.            World Bank funded project is under
            resilience. Under the program, support was                                                                             TRIF set up State Irrigation Execution Cell            implementation in 16 blocks. As part of the
            provided to 30,000 vulnerable families of the   publications on public system strengthening such as                    (SIEC) as an embedded unit in Jharkhand                project, a Detailed Project Report (DPR)
            migrants across 10 blocks of Madhya             compendium of good practices in health, nutrition                      State Livelihood Promotion Society (JSLPS).            creation software has been developed to
            Pradesh. The cell provided extensive            education, agriculture and governance from across                      The focus of the intervention was to                   streamline and institutionalize the DPR
            Covid-19 prevention and management              these districts, and a compendium of innovative                        demonstrate the potential of micro irrigation          creation process.
            support to the Department of Panchayati         practices and processes initiated by District
            Raj. The cell was instrumental in               Administration in India’s poorest districts to Combat
            development of IEC and Behaviour-change         COVID-19. During the pandemic year, innovative
            materials for village planning, COVID-19        practices of Covid-19 responses were witnessed in                       10,000+                                644                               9,874
            awareness and Panchayati Raj provisions.        each of the districts. The support was wide-ranging
            Further, a manual on entitlement schemes        from emergency medical response, quarantine                                                                    Irrigation Schemes                 Acres of Command
            was developed during the year, and all          management, humanitarian outreach of Social                              Farmers Impacted                      Commissioned                       Area Generated
            stakeholders were oriented, thereby             protection scheme benefits, and planning and
            boosting the uptake of schemes and
            consequent benefit accrued to the                monitoring of Garib Kalyan Rozgar Abhiyan (GKRA).
            stakeholders. The cell also developed and       The Aspirational District fellows were also                            200%                                    500
            deployed a Tool for integrating Village         instrumental in mobilizing significant resources from
            Poverty Reduction Plan (VPRP) processes         CSOs, CSR and Philanthropy to supplement the                                                                   Water User Grops
            with the on-going GPDP processes.               efforts of the district administration.                                 Cropping Intensity Enhanced
                                                                                                                                                                           Created and Strengthened

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